AM Best Rating Services

Rating Review Form
004703-Wayne Mutual Insurance Company

Best's Credit Rating Effective Date
Best's Rating Review Date
February 14, 2024
August 14, 2024
Wayne Mutual Insurance Company
AMB #:004703
Ultimate Parent: AMB # 4703 - Wayne Mutual Insurance Company
Best's Credit Ratings
Financial Strength Rating
Issuer Credit Rating
Outlook: Stable
Outlook: Stable
Action: Affirmed
Action: Affirmed
Rating Review Summary:
as a result of the Best's Rating Review, AM Best's opinion of the Financial Strength Rating and Issuer Credit Rating remains unchanged from the prior rating event.
Balance Sheet Strength:
as a result of the Best's Rating Review, AM Best's opinion of the Balance Sheet Strength Assessment of Very Strong remains unchanged.
Operating Performance:
as a result of the Best's Rating Review, AM Best's opinion of the Operating Performance Assessment of Strong remains unchanged.
Business Profile:
as a result of the Best's Rating Review, AM Best's opinion of the Business Profile Assessment of Limited remains unchanged.
Enterprise Risk Management:
as a result of the Best's Rating Review, AM Best's opinion of the Enterprise Risk Management Assessment of Appropriate remains unchanged.
Copyright :
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