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4 rated or non-rated companies, branches or issuers of debt ratings found. Please note that consolidated data records or branch companies are indented below their respective legal entity.
Criteria used: AMB Ultimate Parent # In (52054) .

AMB #Company NameCompany Domicile
006054 American Fidelity Assurance Company
Insurance - Health (Operating Company) 
US: Oklahoma
050796 American Fidelity Corporation
Insurance - Life, Annuity, and Accident (Intermediate Holding Company) 
069640 American Fidelity Group (G)
Insurance - Life, Annuity, and Accident (Data Consolidation - AM Best Consolidated Group)  Rating Unit
US: Nevada
006094 American Public Life Insurance Company
Insurance - Health (Operating Company) 
US: Oklahoma
052054 Cameron Associates, Inc.
Insurance - Life, Annuity, and Accident (Holding Company) 
US: Oklahoma

There are no Issues found based upon the criteria provided.
Criteria used:  AMB Ultimate Parent # In (52054) .

Visit the AM Best Rating Services website for a complete overview of our rating process and methodologies.

The symbol "u" denotes a Best's Rating that is currently Under Review.
The term "Rating Unit" identifies individual insurers or a consolidation of member companies that are assigned the same Best's Credit Rating.